Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) Complete Information
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) increases affordable housing choices for very low-income households by helping families pay a portion of their rent in privately owned housing. The HCVP provides families with monthly housing subsidies that will cover a portion of their rent, allowing them to choose the location and type of rental home that best suits their needs.

What Is Section 8 Housing?
As an agency created by the Maryland Legislature, it is the responsibility of DHCD’s Division of Rental Assistance to provide leadership and oversight for all state and federally aided rental assistance programs that serve low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities.
The Section 8 housing program serves low-income families and the elderly who are unable to afford rent. This assistance is provided through a network of public and private agencies. Each household is matched with a landlord at their current location.
Section 8 Housing is subsidized housing managed by local housing agencies.
Eligibility Is Based on the Family’s Gross Income:
At least 75% of all vouchers issued by a housing agency must be targeted to households whose gross income does not exceed 30% of the area median income.
HUD develops the income limits. The tenant must be able to provide proof of citizenship or immigration status and identity and pay all rent.
What Is the Rent Payment Plan?
The tenant pays 30% of their gross monthly income towards rent and the housing authority pays 70% of the monthly rent.
What Is the Length of Time a Tenant May Stay In Section 8 Housing?
- Tenants can stay up to five years.
- After five years, the tenant must move to another housing program.
- The new program will be determined by the HUD.
What Is the Section 8 Tenant Eviction Process?
- If a HUD-assisted unit has been in use for 5 years, the tenant can request to renew.
- The housing authority must then give the tenant notice and a chance to renew.
- After that period, they can evict the tenant.
What Are the Section 8 Tenant Rights?
Tenants have the right to:
- A right to privacy.
- Have a right to live in the housing without discrimination.
- A right to fair treatment.
- Live in the housing as they choose.
Section 8 Housing Application Process:
- An applicant has to fill out an application.
- The application asks them questions about their income, family size, citizenship, and veteran status among other things.
- The applicant must also disclose any information they have that would affect their eligibility for the program.
The Housing Authority will give an applicant a notice letting them know if their application is approved or denied.
If the applicant’s application is approved, the housing authority will tell them whether they are eligible for a voucher or not.
DHCD’s eight regional administering agencies administer the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, and each agency has its own application. To contact your local agency, you may visit the contact information listed or call the phone number listed here.
Please be advised that because the demand for housing assistance often exceeds the limited available resources, long waiting lists exist.
Section 8 Housing Grant amounts:
DHCD manages a Section 8/HCVP Voucher Program which serves over 22,000 households.
Applicants of Section 8 Housing
- Must be an adult (age 21 or older).
- Have a household income not exceeding the monthly maximum income limit set by DHCD. See the “Section 8 Payment Standards” section below for more information on income limits and other factors that may affect eligibility.

Families of all sizes can apply for Section 8 housing. Section 8 housing provides qualified applicants with the opportunity to secure a suitable housing unit, emphasizing sanitary living conditions. Eligible individuals, with adjusted monthly income, can benefit from the flexibility of using vouchers nationwide.
Residents can access these advantages locally, while nonresidents are required to reside in the issuing jurisdiction for 12 months before relocating. The program prioritizes the provision of secure, comfortable housing tailored to individuals with varying monthly incomes.
Also, priority for vouchers is often reserved for those who reside in the service area of that housing authority. In the past, Section 8 vouchers were often given to individuals who had a history of criminal behavior. In some cases, individuals’ criminal records prevented them from ever receiving housing assistance in the first place.
Section 8 housing, offered by the U.S. government, caters to eligible low-income households based on factors such as eligible immigration status and total annual gross income. However, securing a housing unit can be challenging due to lengthy waitlists, which may last several years or be closed indefinitely. Some Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) use lottery systems, prioritizing local residents, disabled individuals, veterans, and the elderly.
There is no guarantee that anyone will ever receive a spot on the waiting list for Section 8 Housing. In some states, the federal government has inserted itself into the local housing market, subsidizing the construction of low-income housing with federal money. The waiting list for Section 8 Housing is a competitive process, so local PHAs have the ability to place or remove applicants from the waiting list at their discretion.
Section 8 Housing Fair Market Rents
A “fair market rent” is the amount that a renter would reasonably have to pay for rented housing in the area of interest. The fair market rent varies from area to area. The Section 8 Housing Fair Market Rents for most metropolitan areas are available at HUD’s website:
The Fair Market Rent (FMR) is the maximum amount that a landlord can charge for a unit to be rented to a Section 8 voucher recipient. FMRs are determined by HUD and are gross rates of apartment rent and dictate the maximum rent to be agreed upon in a lease document.

Fair Market Rent (FMR), a crucial metric for Section 8 housing, is determined based on the highest renting unit. Calculations incorporate standard quality rent from the five-year American Community Survey, recent mover adjustments, CPI adjustments, and trend factor adjustments.
FMRs cover major utilities but exclude telephone, cable, satellite television, or internet services. These FMRs play a pivotal role in subsidized housing projects and the allocation of housing choice vouchers, as calculated by HUD using their database.
Small Area Fair Market Rents
The SAFMRP program assists low-income families with housing vouchers in moving to higher opportunity neighborhoods, aiming to reduce concentration in specific areas.
It provides financial aid for relocating to areas with better housing quality, allowing for property purchase, rental acquisition, or tenant relocation. Initially mandatory, it’s now optional, involving public housing authorities like the Housing Authority of the County Of Cook and the City of Long Beach.
In Colorado, it’s voluntary, administered by the Colorado Housing Finance Authority. The program’s effectiveness varies, requiring time series analysis. The New York State Housing Finance Agency, designed for statewide housing finance, faces criticism for data challenges.
Chattanooga’s case study reveals challenges due to existing housing distribution, emphasizing the need for federal programs and the role of private developers. The Housing Partnership for Fair and Affordable Housing (HPF) was created to address public concerns about building in high-opportunity areas.
Earned Income Disallowance
Disabled people should be encouraged to go back to work. People who receive government benefits should be forced to do something productive. In order to do this, the Earned Income Disallowance was created. This tax applies to income earned from work. It is also a deduction from earned income.
Studies About Section 8 Housing
In the early years of Section 8, there were many crimes committed in public housing projects. However, after the law was implemented, crime rates dropped dramatically. Crime rates rose again when the program ended.
The Fair Housing Act of 1968 was passed to prevent discrimination. This law protects the rights of all Americans regardless of race, creed, and color. The law also states that if an owner or landlord does not allow renters to live in their property, they must offer reasonable compensation.
Section 8, initiated in 1968 and effective from April 26, 1974, aimed to aid the poor. Notably, it has proven successful on various fronts.
A significant achievement is the substantial decrease in crime rates, with an 82% drop in property crime, as per the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s study. Additionally, Section 8 has been effective in assisting individuals in becoming homeowners.
This success extends to empowering tenants to make property improvements, a privilege granted by a 1973 Congressional bill. Private landlords, including property owners of single-family homes, play a pivotal role in the Section 8 program, facilitated by public housing agencies and their wait list.
Housing placement specialists play a crucial role in facilitating Section 8 vouchers’ mobility, acting as intermediaries between tenants and landlords. They address landlords’ concerns, such as unfounded stereotypes or fears of property damage, fostering a more inclusive housing market. Discrimination against Section 8 voucher holders is illegal, but specialists help mitigate these issues.
Key areas of assistance provided by housing specialists include:
- Locating affordable housing options
- Facilitating entry into better neighborhoods
- Ensuring families have adequate funds for rent or mortgage payments
- Preventing foreclosure and eviction
- Assisting families in finding new homes after foreclosure
- Addressing homelessness or imminent homelessness by securing new housing opportunities.
These efforts contribute to the United States Department’s mission to provide housing assistance payments and support low-income individuals with limited resources.
Steps to Getting Section 8 Housing or Section Apartments
The first step to getting housing assistance is to visit a HUD-approved housing agency or contact your local social services office. Your local social services office will help you find the steps for getting Section Housing or Section Apartments in your county. This is the first place you should go if you want to get help finding affordable housing. You can also use this site to find out how much rent you’ll pay for an apartment or house based on income.
Obtain an application for the section 8 housing choice voucher program. Applications for the housing choice voucher program are entirely free, but depending on the PHA you may need to pay a fee. Fill out and submit your application.
Usually, the application will ask you for the following information:
- Name
- Date of Birth
- Social Security Number
- Gross Income of those applicable
- Mailing Address
- Email address
- Housing History
- Criminal History
- Phone Numbers, etc.
Follow all instructions when filling out the application to ensure it is processed correctly and efficiently.
When applying for housing, you should know your chances of being accepted by checking the waiting list status. You can check this information online. If you’re approved, you’ll receive a letter telling you when you can move into your new apartment. If you’re denied, you’ll get a letter explaining why.
Housing Authorities should provide confirmation of waiting list placement within 2 weeks.
Project-based voucher programs allow tenants to choose different types of housing depending on what type of neighborhood they want to live in. This program allows people who need help finding affordable housing to choose the type of housing they want to live in instead of being forced into certain neighborhoods.
Section 8 Housing Eligibility – Apply for Section 8 Housing Vouchers
Section 8 vouchers are available to low-income families who have been evicted from public housing. The program provides rental assistance for up to 16 months at a time.
The PHA will typically approve your application 60 days after you submit it. Families must provide information about their income, assets, and composition to get help paying rent. Families can apply for Section 8 housing vouchers in person, by phone, or online.
How Do I Apply for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program?
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is designed to match landlords with families in need of housing assistance.
The PHA will typically approve your application 60 days after you submit it. Families must provide information about their income, assets, and composition to get help paying rent. Preferences may exist for certain groups in Section 8 housing.
- Clearly communicate if you meet the criteria to avoid extended waiting times.
- Obtain a free application for the program, complete all sections with required information such as name, date of birth, social security number, gross income, and more.
- Follow PHA instructions for submission by due dates to avoid rejections.
- Expect processing times of several months before accessing an online platform for updates.
Section 8 Housing Waiting List
Section Waiting List requests are also used by PHAs to ensure that residents who are waiting for a unit have a place to live. The Section Waiting List is a list of individuals who have applied for, but were not accepted into the housing program of their choice. Families who need help should apply early. Housing vouchers will be issued if there are openings available.
How Does the Section 8 Housing Waiting List Work? Housing assistance is needed more than there are vouchers available. Waiting lists are common. Some PHAS only accept Section 8 voucher applications during designated time periods.
If your local PHS has a long or closed waitlist, you can apply for a voucher through multiple PHAs. You can get a list of locations where you can use your voucher from your PHA.
- Families should be chosen based on need. If there is a waiting list, then families should be selected from that list. Families should be chosen based on need. For example, if there is a waiting list for families, then families should be chosen from that list. Families shouldn’t be chosen based on race, religion, gender, etc.
- Homeless families are forced into substandard housing because of low incomes. They are involuntarily displaced from their homes. Their vouchers cover the cost of rent and utilities, but not the entire amount. They are required to pay 30% of their income or, at least $50 for rent and utility payments, whichever is higher.
A maximum of $2,200 per month is available to families who qualify for housing assistance. This includes the payment standard, which is based on the average rent in the area. Families must choose a home with a rent lower than or equal to this payment standard. Families may also choose a home with a higher rent, as long as the total rent does not exceed the payment standard. Families are required to pay 30% of their monthly adjusted income towards rent and utilities.
Section 8 Housing Eligibility Interview
A Section 8 housing eligibility for Missouri interview is required for all families applying for public housing. This interview allows the family to learn about their income, expenses, and assets. The family must also complete a home study that takes into account the space available in the unit and its location.
- Bring photo ID, Social Security cards, Medicare/Medicaid cards, and proof of age for all applicants.
- Include relevant documents like birth certificates, divorce and custody papers, citizenship, and immigration papers.
- Provide proof of all income, including letters from Social Security, Veterans Administration, pensions, employment, and child support.
- Verify Social Security benefits before the scheduled appointment.
- Present proof of assets, doctor’s information, emergency contacts, last 3 landlords’ details, and utility bills.
- Full-time students need enrollment documentation, while disabled individuals require reasonable accommodations.
- Forms for accommodation and landlord reference are available.
- Income limits and targeting requirements apply to public housing, Section 8, and moderate rehabilitation programs.
In general, Section 8 voucher holders must pay 30% of their household incomes towards rent and utility bills. Their vouchers cover the remainder of these expenses. The payment standards vary depending on the city. Section 8 household income limits are set at 40% of the median income for their area. The federal government requires that the percentage of income limits be increased every year.
Using Section 8 Housing Vouchers
Payment for the Section 8 vouchers will be made directly to the landlord each month by the PHA. Then you’ll pay the difference between the rent actually charged by the landlord and what was paid using the voucher. Expenses not covered by the voucher include :
- Utility bills
- Vacancies and non-rent covered repairs.
- Laundry and cleaning supplies etc.
In addition to the rent, Section 8 tenants will also pay some of their own utilities as part of the monthly rent. There are no additional costs for Section 8 tenants beyond their monthly rent payment. The PHA may require that you keep your utilities separate from your Section 8 housing.
Obligations Once You Are Chosen for Section 8 Housing
- A family must choose a house before moving into it.
- The family must sign a minimum one-year rental agreement with the landlord.
- The family must pay a security deposit before living there.
- After the lease expires, the family may either renew the lease or move out.
- The family must contribute to the Section 8 rent application.
- The family must pay the government-subsidized portion of the rent and utilities for their house.
- The family must pay a housing subsidy fee when they move in.
After the family moved into the apartment, they were expected to follow the rules set by the lease agreement.
- They had to keep the apartment clean, maintain the appliances, and pay rent on time.
- They also had to report any changes in income or new family members.
- They could not be involved in any illegal activities while living there.
- If a family member violated any of these rules, the landlord could evict them.
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Section 8 Voucher Program
The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, or “Section 8“, is a federal program providing rental assistance for low-income families who meet specific income requirements and are unable to find affordable housing in the private market.
- You must be making enough money to pay your rent or house payment. You can get help paying your rent if you’re eligible for the Section 8 voucher program. The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is a public assistance program that assists low-income families in paying the rent.
- Low-income families use vouchers to help them buy houses. The voucher program helps lift more than 1 million people out of poverty and reduces homelessness. Families also get a better education and development benefits. Low-income families use vouchers to help them buy houses.
- Section 8 vouchers are given out by the government to low-income families. To get them, you need to prove that you’re poor enough to qualify. The government checks your income each year. If you make less than the poverty level, you can get a voucher.
- People who get Section 8 housing assistance don’t have to pay most of the rent. Only a fraction of the rent is covered by your voucher. You still have to pay some money, but not as much as you would if you didn’t have housing assistance.
Section 8 Housing Family Definition
Families include A family with or with children. A child in temporary foster care and out of the home is a member of the family; an elderly family, which is a family whose household head is at least 62 years of age; or two or more persons who are at least 62 years of age; or at least one individual who is at least 62 years and living with at least one aide.
Displaced families are those in which all members have moved out due to government action, extensive damage to their homes, or whose home has suffered destruction by a natural disaster. Disabled families are those in which at least one member has a disability. Families in which all members are under the age of 18 are considered to be unaccompanied minors. Families are eligible for the benefit if they have lived together in the same household continuously in one of the following households:
- A licensed foster home
- A licensed institution for the mentally retarded
- A licensed group care facility.
The household is not eligible if any member has resided outside (such as temporary work or study) for a period of more than 30 days or there is
Single people are often considered odd or strange by others. They do not fit into any category. Single people often feel isolated and lonely. They may have trouble making friends because they do not fit into the social groups that others are in. A single person may be at a greater risk of abuse or neglect than their married counterparts.
Section 8 Housing Family Income Limits
The FMR is the amount of income a family of four must earn before they can qualify for housing assistance. The FMR is adjusted every year to account for changes in the cost of living. Federal rules are designed to make certain that vouchers go to families who really need them. Generally, a family’s income can’t exceed 50 percent of the area’s median household income.
- A housing authority must provide 75% of its vouchers to recipients living in extremely low-income areas (households earning less than 30% of the area’s average median income, whichever is higher).
- The remaining 25% of the vouchers are available to families earning up to twice the FMR.
Income Information You Need to Provide
- Social security verification letter and proof of benefits.
- Proof of income ( pay stubs, W2, tax returns).Bank statements.
- Documentation of public aid benefits.
- Information on any asset you own.
When you apply, your PWA will gather information on total household income, assets, and family composition. This information will be verified through local agencies, your employer, and your bank and used to determine eligibility and your payment amount. The PWA also uses data from the FAFSA to determine if you are eligible for need-based aid. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a form that must be completed by all U.S.
Choosing Affordable Housing Programs
Families can choose any housing, even if it isn’t in a subsidized project, as long as it meets the standards set by HUD. These standards include having a reasonable unit size and rent and being affordable.
Will advise you of housing requirements before looking for a home.
- Overall cleanliness.
- Sanitary housing.
- Working kitchen and area.
- Trash disposal.
- Space and security.
- Temperature control.
- Lighting.
- Electricity.
- Structure and materials.
- Interior air quality.
- Water availability and free of lead-based paint.
- Access. Area.
- Neighborhood.
- Smoke detector.
Families should have at least 60 days to spend vouchers before they expire. The voucher can be used to pay rent in a family’s current home or a new home. The landlord must agree to accept Section 8 vouchers and your local PHAs must confirm that the home is suitable for families. You’ll also need to know what kind of housing is available in your area.
The PHA pays the voucher amount directly to the landlord. The family is responsible to pay the difference between the total rental cost and the voucher amount to the landlord directly.
Your Responsibilities for Section 8 Housing as a Tenant
Tenants must follow their lease terms.
- Tenants agree to pay the rent in full and on time.
- Tenants accept housing that is furnished by their landlord (includes furniture, appliances, etc.).
- Tenants are responsible for paying utility bills and other household expenses. Tenants are responsible for keeping their units clean and free of the trash.
- Tenants are responsible for maintaining their unit as a home.
- Tenants agree to manage the property in a manner that is safe, sanitary, and in accordance with all applicable laws.
After a PHA approves a tenant’s home, the family signs a one-year lease. During this time the PHA and landlord enter into a housing assistance payment contract. Both parties have responsibilities under the Section 8 voucher program. These include the tenant-landlord, PHA, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Tenants pay a security deposit equal to one month’s rent, with a maximum limit set. A one-year lease is required after the initial year. Lease rules must be followed, prohibiting illegal activities by family members. Rent must be paid on time, and the property must be maintained. Families must notify the PHA of income increases or changes in composition.
Landlords are responsible for offering safe housing meeting HQS standards, with reasonable rents and no unjust evictions. Housing authorities provide vouchers, enter contracts with landlords, and conduct yearly inspections to ensure standards.
HUD administers funds to PHAs, paying fees for program administration. PHAs can apply for additional funds through a competitive process. HUD reviews applications and oversees PHAs to ensure compliance with program rules.
Continuing Section Benefits After a Move
Families who receive Section 8 vouchers are required to inform PHAs of their new address before moving. They are also responsible for ending their current lease within the terms of their lease agreement and finding housing meeting HUD standards wherever they move.
HUD will not pay the tenant’s current rent at their new address, but it may make arrangements for the tenant to continue receiving Section 8 benefits at their new address.
New voucher recipients can pick housing any place in the US as long as the family lives within the service area of PHA issuing the voucher when they first apply for vouchers.
If a family does not live within the service areas of the PHA they apply with at the time of applying, they must lease a house in that service area for 1 year while receiving voucher assistance.
Families who want to move must contact their local PHA to confirm the procedure before moving. This will avoid losing or having lapses in benefits.
First-time home buyer. No family member has ever owned or partially owned their house for 3 years. No primary member has owned or partially owns the residential property for 3 years.
- Minimum income requirement: qualified annual income of the homeowners should be greater than $2,000 times the hourly federal minimum wage.
- Families who receive welfare benefits are not considered as part of the poverty line. This means that if you’re receiving government assistance, your family doesn’t qualify for any other services.
At least one homeowner is currently working full time. A homeowner must be employed full-time for at least one year before being eligible for assistance.
Owners and Landlords
If you’re a homeowner, you must be working full-time to qualify. The part-time work requirement has been waived for the first two years of ownership.
If you’re a landlord, you can work as little or as much as you want to. You don’t have to meet the full-time requirement. However, it is recommended that landlords be working full-time to qualify for assistance.
Contact the Section Customer Service Center
The OPIH’s customer service center is open from 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday. Callers should be prepared to provide the following information when calling the customer service line:
- Name and phone number of the tenant
- Date of service request (month/day/year)
For further information:
Contact the Division of Rental Assistance at (617) 573-1150, or the local housing authority in a community of your choice.
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