What companies hire felons: TOP 100+ Companies For You

When John first entered my office, he was a man who thought that the world of freedom was not waiting for him and here he was not needed. He had just been released from prison and was seeking to change his life, but even he didn’t expect the obstacles ahead. He didn’t know what companies hire felons and where to live.

I already know how lanlords and employers relate to the felons, but I am still sure that you can never despair. It was on this that I insisted when talking with John and now I will tell you how our path went and what cool companies invited him to work. With his permission, I share his history, which emphasizes the importance of stable work and housing, especially for those who participate in the program of Section 8. And most importantly what you should remember, do not despair, okay? So, let’s go.

The Current Job Market for Ex-Convicts

Finding a job with a criminal record isn’t easy. For John, it seemed nearly impossible. He applied to dozens of positions but never got a callback. Recent statistics show that while more companies are open to hiring ex-convicts, the competition is fierce, and the stigma still lingers.

The need for stable housing further complicates this issue. For John, participation in the Section 8 program was critical. The program offered a safety net, but maintaining it meant he needed a steady income—something he was struggling to secure.

Companies for felons
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Companies That Hire Ex-Convicts: Our Experience

Now, I’ll tell you about the companies we approached. Of course, John claimed that it would be better if he went loader or worked in the port, but I think that if a person has a desire to work And do not return to the criminal environment, then he just needs to give a chance.

To do this, you need to look for work in a serious company and not worry about the past, but only have a great desire to achieve a lot in the future. So what companies offered us work:

  • Home Depot. This company has very loyal working methods for former prisoners. And this was the first of the companies that offered John’s work. Moreover, there was a very good income, which of course would be reflected in the program of Section 8, but still would give a wonderful start for a confident position in life.
  • Starbucks has long been recognized for its efforts to hire former stakes. Here, John was offered training and the future position of a barista. The guy is young and beautiful enough, I think that he could cook excellent coffee and support a conversation with visitors.
  • Cintas regularly requires employees for a warehouse and delivery. This is a huge felon-friendly company specializing in uniforms and services in institutions that constantly expand and need employees. John’s personal file was carefully studied and offered an internship.
  • Of course, Walmart, which is one of the largest employers in the country was our applicant. The company has a story about the hiring of former prisoners for the work of cashier, storekeeper and customer service. They offer flexible watches, which was a significant factor for John since he could combine his new work with training or arranging a house.
  • McDonald’s provides opportunities for people with a criminal record, offering positions in various fields – from a cashier to an employee in a product warehouse. John almost got a job here, as it would be a quick way to start making money, but in the end, he took up other options.
  • Goodwill Industries known for its mission to help those in need, Goodwill provides opportunities for learning and employment for former prisoners. Their retail shops and donations offer positions that can serve as a step for other opportunities.
  • Like Home Depot, Lowe’s is one retailer to improve the lives of people who decided to start life from scratch. They offer roles in customer service, reserves, and sales, which makes it an attractive option for those who want to return to active working mode.
  • The Logistics and Delivery company UPS offers seasonal and constant options for work, such as packagers of goods and drivers. These positions can lead to the employment of full employment, providing a stable income that can help maintain the right to participate in Section 8.
What companies hire felons
Image credit: Reddit.com

Each of these companies provides job opportunities and supports the financial stability necessary to meet the income requirements for the Section 8 program. For John, finding the right fit was crucial in maintaining his housing.

John considered all the options but ultimately chose Home Depot because the place of work was near the house.

Benefits for Employers and Employees

Why is it important for you not to be shy and give a resume even to the most powerful companies? Yes, all because it is profitable for them to have such employees for them. For example, there is a Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) for employers who hire people from certain groups, including former prisoners. Therefore, a mutual benefit is obtained – for you – excellent work, while companies significantly reduce tax obligations as incentives.

For John, landing a job at Home Depot didn’t just provide him with a paycheck—it gave him purpose and stability. This stability was crucial in helping him meet the Section 8 program’s income requirements, ensuring he could maintain his housing. Moreover, having a job boosted his self-esteem and allowed him to start planning for a better future, something he hadn’t been able to do while incarcerated.

Image with companies
Image credit: jobvaca. biz

Tips for Job Seekers

For those like John, who are navigating the job market with a criminal record, I always recommend a few key strategies:

  • John found local organizations that specialize in helping ex-convicts find jobs. They provided him with resume assistance, interview coaching, and even connections to companies willing to give him a chance.
  • During interviews, John was upfront about his past but focused on the skills he gained while incarcerated, such as time management and the ability to work under pressure. Employers appreciate honesty, especially when it’s paired with a commitment to change.
  • Rejections are part of the process. John faced many, but he didn’t let them discourage him. Persistence eventually paid off when he landed the job at Home Depot.
  • John reached out to people in his community who had been in similar situations. Networking helped him learn about job openings that weren’t advertised and gave him insights into how others had successfully reentered the workforce.
  • Finding a job is just the first step. John knew he had to work hard to keep his position and prove himself to his employers. This mindset helped him stay motivated even when the work was challenging.

The Importance of Stability

Remember what I told you at the beginning of the article? The main thing is not to despair. And this I want to complete John’s story. Although for him she is just beginning. John’s journey was not easy, but it was worth it. Providing stable work, he was able to maintain his participation in the program of Section 8.

Having a house and work, he can already think about family and children and plan the future, but this is so important. Its history is evidence of the strength of perseverance and the importance of opportunities that allow people to restore their lives. Stable income and housing are important components of a successful return to society, and programs such as Section 8 for former prisoners can be essential in this process.

John’s story is only one example of my example, how to change life with the right support and capabilities. Be confident in yourself and know that you are worthy of the best, especially if you yourself want to change your life and not to step on a dangerous path. If you have a similar story, look for help, companies and organizations and begin to confidently go to a happy future.

Important words for felons
Image credit: Pinterest.com


What are the biggest challenges ex-convicts face when looking for a job?

I think that first of all, it is stigma, and distrust, both from employers and landlords. But now I see that the situation is changing a bit and, firstly, large companies and giants of the market gave such an impetus.

Can I still qualify for Section 8 if I find a job?

Of course, the main thing is that your income is included in the program.

What should I disclose about my criminal record during a job interview?

I am sure that you do not need to hide anything. On the contrary, it is important to show that you understand your mistake and are ready to work hard and live honestly in order not to get into jail anymore. Employers on the contrary value honesty, but it is important that you do not make your zeal, but be sincere.

Are there specific industries more likely to hire ex-convicts?

Of course, it is not necessary to go to a low -paying job, only because you just left prison. Find the strength and be sure to submit a resume to those companies that I described above. Give yourself a chance.

How can I find resources to help with job placement?

Organizations like The Salvation Army, Goodwill, and local workforce development centers offer specialized services for ex-convicts. I am ready to help you too. But if you are far away, you can always contact the company in your state. I think they will be easy to find in the search.

Will having a job make it harder to qualify for Section 8 housing?

Not necessarily. The Section 8 program is designed to help low-income individuals and families, so as long as your income remains within the program’s limits, having a job shouldn’t disqualify you. Stable employment can be beneficial in maintaining your Section 8 housing.

Does Tesla hire convicted felons?

Yes, Tesla has been known to hire convicted felons, but it depends on the nature of the conviction and the position being applied for.

Does American Airlines hire felons?

Yes, it does.

Does Polo Ralph Lauren hire felons?

Polo Ralph Lauren may hire felons, but it depends on the nature of the felony and the position being applied for. They conduct background checks, and each case is evaluated individually.

Is Nike felon friendly?

Nike is generally considered felon-friendly, but it depends on the specific job and the nature of the felony.

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